Source code for cpenv.hooks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

# Standard library imports
import os
from types import ModuleType

# Local imports
from . import paths

[docs]class HookFinder(object): """Find python hooks by name in the provided path. usage:: >>> hook_finder = HookFinder('~/.cpenv/hooks') >>> hook = hook_finder('precreate') >>>'path/to/env')) """ def __init__(self, *hook_paths): self.hook_paths = hook_paths def _find_pyfile(self, hook_name): for path in self.hook_paths: hook_path = paths.normalize(path, hook_name + ".py") if os.path.exists(hook_path): return hook_path def find(self, hook_name): hook_path = self._find_pyfile(hook_name) if not hook_path: return try: with open(hook_path, "r") as f: code = compile(, "", "exec") except SyntaxError as e: print("SyntaxError compiling hook: {}".format(e)) raise hook = ModuleType(hook_name) hook.__file__ = hook_path try: exec(code, hook.__dict__) return hook except Exception: print("Error executing hook: {}".format(hook_path)) raise __call__ = find
[docs]def get_global_hook_path(): """Returns the global hook path""" from .api import get_home_path return paths.normalize(get_home_path(), "hooks")
[docs]def run_global_hook(hook_name, *args): """Attempt to run a global hook by name with args""" hook_finder = HookFinder(get_global_hook_path()) hook = hook_finder(hook_name) if hook:*args)